Let me start a new page with different style , maybe my old post is posting about computer or something like that but now and next post i will post about english lesson .
The first lesson start from SENTENCE :

Sentence need Subject verb to be right .

Subject is the doer of an action , subject can form like verb but it is subject not verb .
Subject has  i,you,we,they,she,he,it .
This word i,you,we,they,she,he,it called by PRONOUN . 
Ex: i go to college , you write the lesson  ect.
Subject also can form like verb, ex : studying, doing,sleeping ect.
The word like that can called by GERUND,.
Gerund is formed by verb1+ing;
Ex:1.  studying make us smart
      2.  Sleeping can heal your boddy

Noun is word that identifies a person , animal , thing , or idea and everything that has a name is noun. ex : table , man , bird, chair etc. 

we can identify the word that is noun or not by memorize or see in the end of the word ;
 ex: develoment , engagement , management 
 ex: freedom , kingdom,
 ex: difference, enterance 

 that's all about sentence , thanks to everyone who read this and sorry for bad explanation . 
see you in the next lesson :)


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