Hallo everyone, today i will submit my 2nd homework in this little page and i got to tell you some stories  , and that is about a genius person , his name is CESAR CHAVEZ.

CESAR CHAVES was born in arizona in united states in 1927 . when cesar was 10 years old had to leave their farm and house . they move to another place in california , there were many people like chavez family , living for farming everyday to get money and to full fill their life. Cesar went to 37 different school and in 13 years old he left school completely. And helping his family in farming.

In that time chavez and other workers  didn’t treat well by the owner of the farms ,and force them  to work in every condition  . the worker’s house has no electricity or running water , and also sometimes the owner using the chemicals on the field while the workers were there. It was dangerous for workers health.

Chavez did not the farmer’s condition became worse , he found a way to solve the problem and help them to work together as a group they had more power. Chevaz said :
"I had a dream that the only reason the employers were so powerful was that we were weak. We could somehow begin to develop some strength among ourselves. Then we could begin to equal that, balancing their power in farming."

He wanted the owner paid them well and give children an education and change the law .he wanted the workers to join to an union he made for better treatments of worker . chavez fought very hard  to make an union but he has a peaceful way in doing it.

He said “non violence is very powerful weapon” .

In 1962 he formed the national farm workers association , they did many action such as demonstrating and march but not in violence way . one of successful action was a boycott .boycott often make the owners lose money, and it force a bussiness to make a change . they started to make a boycott of grapes and it works . the workers won the right to higher pay and other form pf protection. They also won their right to come together to form a union .
In 1994 a man named cesar chavez clinton  awarded chavez  presidential medal of freedom. He fight for the farmers right.


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