today my english lesson is about learning reading section , well it can increase your TOEFL score or even TOEIC  , so may it will be usefull for everybody :)

There are many nonnative speakers of English at collegeand universities  in the United States and Canada. Non natives are usually foreign  students or resident aliens. Foreign students  int the United States are nonresidents with F or J visas. Resident aliens are immigrants or refugees. In addition, some US and canadian citizens are non native speakers. They do not speak English  as their first language.
California is  the state  with the most foreign students. Texas and NewYork are next. Other states with large numbers of foreign students are Massachusetts,Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Students from Europe must often attend school in the northeastern and northwestern states, and students from Asia usually go to school in the midwestern and western states. Latin Americans most often study in the South and Southwest, and Africans usually attend school in the Midwest and South. In canada, many nonnative speakers study in Quebec and speak French. Some go to school in the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Alberta.
Engineering is te most popular field of study for visa students. Many study management and business. Most foreign students major in practial subjects. Many visa students in the United States come from the Middle East and Asia, and many are from oil countries. Iran, Taiwan, Nigeria, Japan, Hongkong, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, India, and Thailand send large numbers of students to the United States. Foreign students in Canada often come from Hongkong, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom.
We do not have all the facts about visa students, and these students are only a small part of the many  nonnative speakers at American lolleges and universities. But the facts show that the nonnatives are very important in American higher education.


Find the meanings of the underlined  words in the following sentences. Write them on the lines
1.       Students from Europe must often attend school in the Northeastern and Northwestern states, and students from Asia usually go to school in the Midwestern and Western States.


2.       Asian students usually go to school in the Midwestern and Western parts of the United States. Latin Americans most often study in the South and South West


3.       Many foreign students study management and business. Most major in practial subjects.


4.       Visa students are only a small part of the many  nonnative speakers at American colleges and universities. But the facts show that nonnatives are very important in American Higher education



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